Strategy or Revenue, Which Comes First?

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Strategy, or revenue: that is the question!

It’s Thanksgiving week. And one of my biggest challenges on Thanksgiving is deciding what to eat first.

Because it’s ALL. 👏 SO. 👏 DELICIOUS! 👏

There’s not really any wrong choice. Because it’s all good.

And that’s kind of where I land with the wisdom Mike Michalowicz shares in his books.

Where do you start when it’s all so good?

The biggest question comes when you’re trying to decide between Profit First and The Pumpkin Plan.

How do you figure it out?

There’s no question that you don’t want to Clockwork (or systematize) your business before you have a strategy in place so you know what you’re building systems around.

And you don’t want to market with Get Different if you don’t know who you serve (which you identify with The Pumpkin Plan strategy).

But do you work on your finances first OR do you map your strategy and let your finances follow?

BTW, if you’re looking to scale your business by niching your services, you’ll want to check out last week’s post!

I’ve decided on an answer for myself…helped along by a Pumpkin Plan Strategist who is also a Profit First Professional.

In this week’s video, I’m sharing the strategy vs revenue wisdom I got with you. Turns out, I think there are two options. And your choice depends on one very important piece of information.

Unfortunately, what I’m sharing won’t help you decide where to start on Thanksgiving day. But it might help you figure out where to focus your time working ON your business. And then how you do more life, is completely up to you!

Wishing you a wonderful Thanksgiving! Hug the people you love and remind them how grateful you are that they’re around.

Tina signature

p.s. – Inquiring minds want to know…leave a comment and let me know what your first taste will be on T-giving for you.

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