Jackpot SEO Tool – More Clicks With My New Favorite by CoSchedule? Yes, Please!

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Creative Websites > Website SEO > Jackpot SEO Tool – More Clicks With My New Favorite by CoSchedule? Yes, Please!

SEO Tool Fan Girl Here

I’m a fan of any tool that makes SEO ranking easier. (Let’s be honest. I’m a fan of any tool that makes life easier.) And anyone who’s given it a go can tell you, SEO can get really complicated, really quickly. I’m a firm believer that sharing is caring, so when I find an SEO tool that can get you more clicks in a snap, I have to share.

Quick note – this is NOT sponsored. I’m just a big fan.

As a matter of fact, I’ve always loved Coschedule’s free headline analyzer and social message optimizer. But I’ve never actually spent money with them (for shame!) until now.

And I want to be clear. You don’t have to spend money to get some use out of this new tool, but I want to tell you why – YOU WANT. (And no, that’s not my southern side misspelling that word for accent affect. YOU WANT this tool.)

CoSchedule hit me up a few months ago promoting their headline studio. (I just said that so you would think I’m kind of a big deal. Like Coschedule HQ is calling me on the reg when they want someone important to test out their new stuff. It was legit just an email campaign…but also, I might be a big deal…)

So, I gave it a whirl, and here’s what I’m thinking.

The new Headline Studio is MONEY for the following reasons:

1. I can see if my headline performs better than competitor headlines. Let’s blow everyone out of the water on topics that matter to me most! (And know who your competition actually is.)
2. It integrates with WordPress, so I can get see scores and suggestions while I’m posting my blog. No need to navigate anywhere else.
3. It doesn’t count against you to re-analyze and re-analyze your headline until you get that headline JUST RIGHT.
4. I can be 💯 sure my user gets the content they expect from my headline because the tool tells me what the expected main topic is.
5. Speaking of topics, it gives keyword suggestions. Do I even need a keyword research tool anymore???
6. And it gives other questions asked on the same topic so I can either, a. lengthen my article to include that information or b. know what my next blog post will be about that I can link back to the post I’m making right now.

Okay, so quick demo, so you can see what I’m talking about and how we get the info we need from this Coschedule tool…

I’m telling you, SEO gold. 🥇

p.s. – Reason Number 7 – you even get 3 COMPLETELY FREE tries (and remember, you can re-analyze the same headline over and over and over again for 1 count) before you commit. Now, that’s a real relationship right there.

p.p.s. – This final, final, final headline scores an 83 and gets a 100 SEO score. SCORE!

p.p.p.s – More FREE SEO Tools You Need

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