Website ROI Traffic: Don’t Abandon Your Website Investment Before Looking at This

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Website ROI Traffic

Previously, on Getting Your Website ROI…

We’ve talked a lot about gathering website data. And I hope you’ve started collecting those numbers. But now it’s time to shift to using that data.

As a quick review, we’ve discussed the following things (links included below):
💰 How to calculate the return you should demand from your website based on the investment you’re making.
💰 What numbers to track on your website to understand what return you’re getting.
💰 What numbers to gather to estimate how long it might take for you to see an ROI.

To get a good ROI out of your website, there are a lot of levers you can pull.

Here are a few…
→ Decrease the cost of your website investment. (We’ll tackle this in a few weeks.)
→ Increase the traffic that has exposure to your product or service.
→ Increase conversions.
→ Increase prices.
The list could go on. So the question is, where to start?

Start Getting a Return on Your Website Investment Here

In Mike Michalowicz’s new book Get Different, he talks about good sample sizes for different marketing experiments. A statistician told him you really need a 10% sample of the population you’re trying to reach in order to understand if your experiment works or not. She shared with him that you don’t want to experiment with less than 100 people. (This comes from Chapter 3, “The Target One Hundred.”)

The same is true for your website. So, here’s what we need to know before we can dive into whether or not your website is working for you. Do you have 100 people visiting your website each month?

And when I say 100 people, I mean 100 of the right people…100 of YOUR people.

That’s one reason digging into your website data is so crucial.

Website Traffic Data Analysis

Let’s say you’re only set to serve people in the United States. You look at your website data, and you’ve got 100 unique visitors each month. However, 10% of them are coming from Russia. Guess what that means? You don’t have 100 of YOUR people seeing what you have to offer.

Serve a particular industry or demographic? Look at your data and see how many of THOSE people are visiting your website.

If you have at least 100 of YOUR people coming to your website each month, that’s a great start. It’s time for you to think about whether you have 10% of the total population you’re trying to serve.

What we’re trying to accomplish with these numbers is to baseline whether or not your website is working and where we need to concentrate our efforts to get a better ROI. If we don’t have a good sample size for testing, we can’t tell how it’s working.

Your Target 100

If your numbers are less than 100 unique visitors per month or less than 10% of the population you’re trying to serve, the first place to start is…
⭐️ Bringing more traffic to your website. ⭐️

And while you’re getting more traffic, we need to keep gathering that data!

If you’ve already got enough traffic according to those numbers above, great! Shortly, we’ll talk about what some of our numbers are telling us. But first, we want to be sure we have legit numbers.

Identifying Your Target Audience

Many of my clients get stumped at this point because they don’t know if they have the right people coming to their website. That’s usually because they haven’t taken the time to define their target audience. If you’re not sure who you’re trying to attract, then that’s the NUMBER ONE place you should start.

I recommend The Pumpkin Plan for defining your ideal audience. It’s a simple process, based on serving the people you LOVE. And honestly, there’s no better place to start building a business than that! To get the most out of every marketing dollar you spend, it’s WHO then WHAT then HOW.

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